Saturday, March 9, 2013

Get Up...Repeat (Back to New England)

We lived deeply, we fell hard, we are getting back up and literally repeating.  We are headed back to New England, where we left our hearts over a year ago.  We've realized the road isn't perfect or easy anywhere and so we may as well be in a place where walking out the door is enough to make us smile.  Look at this street in Old Wethersfield...tree lined streets, the changing of seasons.  Even from this casual photo you can see traces of the deep love for its own history, and that's what I love about New England!     

I love stories of people who go to the West Coast, California, Texas, New York City, or North Carolina because that's the place that was calling them.  For us, New England calls us, and if I could simultaneously live in dozens of the places I love there I would, but for now I'm content to live in my peaceful little village and explore the states around me to my hearts content, something very easy to do in New England where it seems you can get anywhere you want to in only a few hours!  That is, after we get all the necessities of life taken care of upon to live...job.  The first few months will be a matter of survival, but we have done it before.   

It will be a few more years before all things are completed that will put us in a more comfortable stage of life, but in the meantime this is still our life going on right now - precious moments, days and years together with my sweet husband and our boys.  We don't want to miss out on precious time by just letting it pass by without choosing the way we want to spend our time on earth. 

Each day, each moment really is a gift.  For us, that is what this choice is mostly about.  Something that can be hard for people to understand....why you would move 2,700 miles away to live in a smaller apartment for more money.  For us, the trade in square footage is worth the benefits!  Plus, the small apartment won't last forever, we will have a house at some point when school is done, but the memories will last a lifetime! 

Things are not going to be especially easy for us the next few years no matter where we are, so we are going to choose where we want our story to play out.  New England, tickling me with it's dramatic seasons and endless treasures of town greens, villages and history to explore, will be the setting for the next chapter of our lives.    


  1. So happy for you! Let me know when you get out here.

  2. Love this ... New England called to me too, and though the past few years have not been easy I've chosen to stay. Best of luck on your journey!

  3. You spoke my thoughts exactly! I feel the same way, I can't stop thinking of New England and we are planning for our move within the next couple of years.
